The Hiker March 2005
Scoutmaster : Mr. Freeburger
Assistant Scoutmaster: Mr. Clary
Assistant Scoutmaster: Mr. Gagliardi
Scoutmaster Emeritus : Mr. Williamson
Senior Patrol Leader: Chris
Chairman: Mr. Gouldmann
Treasurer : Mr. Luken
Advancements : Mr. Howe
Quartermaster : Mr. King
Communications : Mr. O'Brien

The Troop Held a Committee Meeting on February 16th. In attendance were: Mr. Gouldmann, Mr. Freeburger, Mr. Luken, Mr. and Mrs. Lelonek, Mr. Gagliardi, Ms. Holmes, Mr. Cox, Mrs. Burton, Ms. Podhorniak, Mr. Crist, Mr. Ritter, Mr. Anthony and Mr. O’Brien. Mr. Gouldmann led off with the Lord's Prayer. Because of Ash Wednesday, the next committee meeting will be March 9th at 7:30 and the following one on 13 April. All troop adults are encouraged to attend these meetings.

Fruit Drive/Troop Budget Thanks for all of your help with the fruit drive. By next year the supper room will be converted into classrooms, so we’ll need to find a new location to store the fruit until it’s picked up. This year, however, because of limited availability, and more expensive fruit, the troop’s profits are not nearly at the level as past years. The troop will continue to camp on a monthly basis, but may consider ways to reduce expenses.

Missing Equipment – The troop is missing a cooking volcano. Please return this or any other equipment that you may have.

Next Camping Trip – Camp Cone – March 4, 5, and 6 – Patrol cooking by charcoal.

Troop 746 Scout Banquet will be February 27th. The event will begin with the Troop attending noon mass in Class A uniform, followed by festivities in the Church Hall.

Shirts for summer camp – Mr. Cox discussed shirt designs. The Committee voted to get green shirts with gold lettering. Mr. Cox will put together an information package about summer camp. We have 17 adults and 43 scouts attending camp!

Web site update – Check out our web site at! The web site will include troop history, merit badge counselor list, and forms such as trip permission slips. The Hikers are also posted. Thanks Mr. Lelonek!

STAND TRAINING and BSA Youth Protection Training are required – The troop is looking at dates for troop Stand, CPR, and first aid training.

Dulaney District Training Opportunities – 4/12 Life to Eagle Roundtable. For additional information please see the district web site at

Eagle Ceremonies – Mr. Anthony suggested that troop adults parade in and sit behind the scouts. Also, the color guard should rehearse the flag locations and all should be in full class A uniforms.

The troop has a cargo trailer – Mr. Burton bought a 12 FT. trailer from BGE and has donated it to the troop. The trailer has been painted and we need a place to store the trailer. The Committee discussed logos that can be used.

Help is needed – Adult help is needed for merit badge counseling, to plan monthly camping trips and plan the next long range trip, Seabase, and Philmont trips.

Troop Letterhead – The Committee agreed that we should have a Troop letterhead and send thank you letters to individuals who make donations.

Camp Rodney trip last month – Mr. Freeburger noted that the trip was a good one, however, the cabin was not clean and he was displeased with the service by camp staff. A letter is in the works. Thank you Mr. Clary for purchasing and donating a chainsaw for the troop. This will help us maintain those big campfires that we love!

Mike Obtains Eagle – Congratulations Mike on this accomplishment!

St. Joseph’s Service Projects available – Father Kevin has potential eagle service projects. See Mr. Freeburger to discuss. Also, the Committee agreed that the troop would like to help the Church by painting the curbs.

This is my last Hiker and duty as the Troop Secretary, a position that I have held since the Summer of 2000. Over the years, the Hikers evolved to include pictures, and covered the many wonderful troop activities, milestones such as our 50th anniversary, sad news of the deaths of Troop leaders and former scouts, and at times poked fun at some of you (sorry Joe Dulny but you were always a good sport). In addition, we have evolved from printing stuffing and sending almost 80 Hikers by snail mail each month to emailing them to all but a small handful. Now with the help of Rick Lelonek and others, we have an active web site and communication continues to improve. For many of the past years, there was the same small group of about eight of us at all troop committee meetings, month after month, taking on the Troop’s large responsibilities. The troop size has grown, and fortunately so has the number of active Committee members. Yet with our large troop size, additional help is needed. In almost every Hiker I note that additional help is needed with certain activities and many times we get little response. If you and your son enjoy scouting then I encourage you to get involved and see how you can help. If anyone is considering this position I encourage you to discuss it with Mr. Gouldmann or me. I have enjoyed doing it. In the interim, the Hiker will be tag teamed by the Communication Committee.

Thanks to all of you who have helped me over the years with the Hiker. It has been a pleasure working with Mr. Freeburger, Mr. Gouldmann and the many other current and past hard working troop volunteer leaders.

Barry O’Brien

Future Dates - Changes may occur month to month. Please update your calendar.


4, 5, and 6 Camp Cone note change in date
9 Troop Committee meeting @7:30
11 Troop meeting
18 Troop meeting


1 Troop Meeting
8, 9, and 10
District Camporee
15 Andrew's Eagle Ceremony


20, 21, and 22
- Bike Trip

Saint Joseph Fullerton Boy Scout Troop 746

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